10 fecal impaction symptoms and 15 signs of an emergency
Recognizing the symptoms of fecal impaction early has shown to improve the long-term survival of patients because you are more likely to treat the problem before any emergency situation arises. Once you notice these signs and understand what exactly is going on inside your colon, you can treat the problem in the earliest stages and prevent it from progressing further.
Let’s look at the 10 main fecal impaction symptoms and see what each one means:
Symptom #3:
Chronic constipationSymptom #4:
Abdominal pain or crampingSymptom #5:
Back painSymptom #6:
Feeling like you haven’t fully passed stoolSymptom #7:
Not feeling the urge to poopSymptom #8:
Very small or semi-solid stoolSymptom #10:
Sudden leakage of stool when you cough or laughThe first 3 symptoms mean that you are still in the early
stages of a functional bowel disorder
Symptom #1:
Not feeling the urge to poop at the same time every day
This is probably the earliest sign that you have a functional bowel disorder – the condition that causes fecal impaction. It is also one of the most commonly ignored signs that most people either ignore or don’t even know to look for.
A healthy digestive system functions like clockwork. It digests food efficiently and then gives you the urge to go to the bathroom at the same time daily. A sure sign of a digestive tract that is beginning to lose its vitality is unpredictable urges to pass stool.
Most people that end up in emergency situations because of their fecal impaction often report that they never had a set time when their body would urge them to go to the bathroom.
If you could catch the problem at this stage and treat it, you could essentially keep your digestive tract working optimally for the rest of your life. So, if you notice that your bathroom visits are happening later and later, your digestive tract is slowing down and needs to be revived immediately.
Symptom #2:
Noticing a change in the consistency or color of your stool
Regardless of how often you go to a doctor to get a regular checkup, nothing gives you a more frequent and accurate test of your overall health than simply looking at your stool each time you go to the bathroom.
It is probably the most effective way of checking the health of your stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, digestive tract and even your nervous system.
A healthy body consistently creates healthy looking stool, that is…
- Solid but not to hard
- Brown but not too light or too dark in color
- Smooth like a hotdog and not lumpy
- Comes out in one piece and not multiple fragments
- Is easy to pass, in no more than 5 minutes
- Does not smell unusually strong
- Does not hurt or burn
If you ever notice that your stool has any unhealthy changes, this is your sign that something is wrong in your body and needs to be addressed. For example, a stool that is very light brown or yellow could mean there is an issue with your pancreas, liver or gallbladder. A very foulsmelling poop could mean that the bacterial balance in your digestive tract is thrown off.
Consider checking your stool like a free health exam offered regularly by nature. It allows you to catch problems early and address them right away. This is the easiest way to prevent most of the serious complications of fecal impaction
And if you do notice that your stool is showing troubling signs, take immediate action to revive the health of your digestive system.
Symptom #3:
Chronic constipation
A sure sign that you are headed for a fecal impaction is having constipation at least a few times a month.
In fact, almost all fecal impaction sufferers that have ever been admitted to the hospital, had surgery to remove a piece of their colon or even died from fecal impaction complications, have had a history of chronic constipation before their situation got to that point.
In other words, chronic constipation can be deadly if left untreated. It is a progressive disease that starts with the occasional difficulty in passing stool, then grows into a bowel disorder and can eventually result in a life-threatening tear in your colon from fecal impaction.
Constipation is usually a glaring sign that your digestive tract is becoming sick. You wouldn’t ignore a condition where you choked on your food each time you swallowed it, however the same problem happens on the other end of the digestive tract because you become unable to move things along.
We often think of constipation as normal part our bowel habits, however people with untreated chronic constipation are at the highest risk of developing serious complications from fecal impaction
Fortunately, people with chronic constipation are also in the best position to reverse the course of their diseases because it is in an intermediate stage. You can still reverse the damage to your colon tissue and rescue your digestive health.
The next 3 symptoms mean that you probably have a
full-fledged functional bowel disorder and need to reverse it soon
Symptom #4:
Abdominal pain or cramping
This pain can be dull or sharp and is usually emanating from the belly region. During fecal impaction, it is caused either by gas or food that can’t move past the hard mass of stool stuck in your colon. This pain can also be caused by your colon being stretched too much and or your digestive tract being inflamed.
Note that severe abdominal pain could also be a sign of a colon rupture or sepsis, which needs immediate medical attention. If you have abdominal pain and are unable to pass gas, you need to see a doctor right away.
Symptom #5:
Back Pain
We always assume that our gut is placed towards our belly so any pain radiating from the intestines should be around the abdomen. However, fecal impaction can also cause back pain, especially around the lower back because the sigmoid colon (the last portion of the large intestine) is located very low and can press against the nerves towards the back.
In some cases, back pain can also be caused by damage to your kidneys from fecal impaction. The hard stool in your colon can press against the tubes through which your kidneys empty urine (uretral compression). This can cause the kidney to experience damage and lead to back pain.
Symptom #6:
Feeling like you haven’t fully passed stool even when you’ve gone to the bathroom
In a normal functioning digestive system, the stool collects in the rectum and stretches the rectal tissue. There are sensory nerves in the rectum (pudendal nerve) that give you the urge to go to the bathroom and poop. However, during fecal impaction, this nerve is constantly activated because the stool constantly stretches the rectum and you are left with the constant feeling of being “backed-up”. That’s because there is still stool inside your rectal canal.
By the way, fecal impaction eventually damages this nerve and you can permanently lose the urge to go to the bathroom (which is much worse).
The next 4 symptoms mean that you have fecal impaction
and need to treat it immediately
Symptom #7:
Not feeling the urge to poop even when there is stool in the rectal canal
This is a sign that your fecal impaction has begun to damage the muscles and the nerves in your rectum. While in the early stages of fecal impaction you may still be able tell when it’s time to go to the bathroom, eventually damage to your pudendal nerve takes away your ability to sense stool that is stretching the rectal canal.
This means your condition has advanced.
Ironically, now instead of feeling discomfort from being unable to “go”, you feel nothing. This is a crucial turning point in the disease process because you have basically lost a key part of the bowel evacuation process that is essential for healthy living.
Usually in these cases you need to physically stimulate your gut to move things again using laxatives or enemas. Unfortunately, the use of laxatives and enemas has shown to make fecal impaction worse in the long run
Symptom #8:
Very small or semi-solid stool
A narrower than normal stool is a sign that something in your colon is preventing the bulk fecal matter from moving along in one piece. In the case of fecal impaction, this is caused by a piece of stool that has started blocking the colon.
This is probably your last chance to treat the problem before the stool completely stops moving and your colon becomes completely blocked. It is important to note that chronic narrow or small stools can also be a sign of a colon tumor, so this symptom should be taken very seriously and be checked by a doctor.
Symptom #9:
Diarrhea, especially if it comes out suddenly and with force
you can have fecal impaction and diarrhea at the same time – this is known as paradoxical diarrhea.
Note how the problem has escalated even more by this point because now only liquid stool is able to make its way out.
When the hard mass of stool grows so big that it begins to completely block the colon and stretches it thin, the inside membrane experiences injury and secretes mucus as a defense.
This mucus can act like a lubricant which allows liquids from the backlogged stool to suddenly escape past the hard mass. This can cause embarrassing situations because the liquids can build up pressure in the rectal canal without you even being aware and suddenly be expelled with force even when you’re not on the toilet.
This is why many fecal impaction patients eventually need pads for accidental episodes of diarrhea.
Keep in mind, once you are at this symptom, there is already significant damage taking place to your colon tissue on a daily basis. By this stage, there are often signs of colitis where the impaction has occurred.
Symptom #10:
Sudden leakage of stool when you cough or laugh
This happens when the internal anal sphincter has experienced severe and often permanent damage
There are 2 anal sphincters (round, closing muscles) that help us pass stool – the EAS (External Anal Sphincter) and the IAS (the Internal Anal Sphincter).
Fecal impaction is known to damage the IAS (Internal Anal Sphincter). This means, over time, you can lose your ability to hold in stool. Instead of the stool just collecting in the rectal canal until you’re ready to go to the bathroom, it can be expelled at any time with the smallest movement such as a cough or a laugh.
This is one of the reasons why fecal impaction sufferers often report feeling embarrassed from their condition and a low overall quality of life because the problem is permanent.
Remember, stool leakages can be a lifelong problem unless you repair the damage caused to your internal anal sphincter.
While these 10 symptoms are critical in helping you identify what stage your fecal impaction problem is at, there are other symptoms that are so important that recognizing them can save your life.
The 15 signs of a fecal impaction emergency
These symptoms indicate that you are under an imminent threat of something serious, possibly lifethreatening happening. If you have any of the following symptoms, get immediate medical care.
*Remember, fecal impaction damages the nerves in your gut, so often as you get closer to an emergency situation, you may lose the ability to sense the pain or discomfort (see symptom #7 above).
Emergency Sign #1:
DehydrationEmergency Sign #2:
Nausea or Loss of appetiteEmergency Sign #3:
Bloody stoolsEmergency Sign #4:
Abdominal TendernessEmergency Sign #5:
Feeling bloated and unable to pass gasEmergency Sign #6:
Visible abdominal distensionEmergency Sign #7:
Urinary incontinenceEmergency Sign #8:
Having the urge to pee but having problems passing urineEmergency Sign #9:
Not passing urine or not having the urge to peeEmergency Sign #10:
SweatingEmergency Sign #11:
DizzinessEmergency Sign #12:
FeverEmergency Sign #13:
Fast heartbeat or fast breathingEmergency Sign #14:
Vomiting (especially vomiting blood)Emergency Sign #15:
Change in mental status, Confusion, Restlessness or feeling agitatedThis might seem like a negligible and hardly noticeable problem but for fecal impaction sufferers it is a sign that your intestines are unable to carry out a critical function: absorbing water and electrolytes from your food.
What’s worse is that while your impacted stool may be making you dehydrated, the dehydration will make your stool drier and harder. It creates a vicious cycle of increasing damage that eventually needs medical treatment. make your stool drier and harder. It creates a vicious cycle of increasing damage that eventually needs medical treatment.
The reason this could be an emergency is because this dehydration may not be easily fixed by simply drinking more water because the impacted stool is preventing its absorption. Remember, severe dehydration can damage your kidneys within days and needs to be addressed medically if not resolved right away.
As your fecal impaction grows worse your stool becomes more bigger and spends more time stuck in your colon. This causes a buildup of harmful bacteria in your gut which often leads to feelings of nausea and loss of appetite.
These changes in your gut bacteria can promote digestive diseases which can linger even after your stool has passed. Studies have now revealed that poor gut bacterial balance can increase your chances of developing serious bowel diseases, cancers, heart disease and even dementia.
Fecal impaction often causes bleeding in the rectum from tears in the rectal canal. This can be seen as bright red color in your stool. People often mistake this bleeding as hemorrhoids and ignore it, however bleeding from fecal impaction is more serious because it can cause more extensive tearing of the epithelial tissue.
Also, darker blood in your stool is usually a sign that the bleeding is happening further up in the digestive tract and can be a much more serious problem. Sometimes the bleeding isn’t obvious and may simply make your stool look very dark or black.
Keep in mind, if blood can get in your stool, bacteria from your stool can get into your blood and cause an infection. Also, once there is a tear in your digestive tract, this can give way to ulcerations and even the failure of the entire digestive wall, leading to a rupture. This is why bloody stools should never be ignored and must be treated right away by a medical professional.
This probably indicates there your impacted stool has either led to severe inflammation in your digestive tract (colitis) or you’ve already developed a dangerous infection in the tissue that lines your abdomen (peritonitis).
Both situations are serious
Unless treated immediately by a doctor, any possible existing infection is at risk of spreading further and your digestive tract is at risk of rupturing. What’s important to note here is that neither of these things will go away on their own and any further delay in seeking treatment will make it exponentially harder to bring the situation under control.
Both these signs mean that your fecal mass has grown so big that even air cannot pass through. Many times, the distension can visibly noticeable as a bloated belly and sometimes you can even feel the hard stool mass when palpitating the abdomen (usually the right side, near the pelvic bone).
Your tract could rupture from the high internal pressures and cause a life-threatening infection immediately.
Keep in mind that at this stage, taking fiber supplements is not recommended because it can make your situation even worse. It is absolutely crucial to get gas moving through your system again by seeking urgent medical care
All 3 of these are signs that your fecal impaction has started affecting your urinary system.
Our colon sits very close to many soft organs in the abdominal cavity. When an impacted fecal mass grows too big, it can start pushing against your bladder (that holds urine), your ureters that empty the urine from your kidneys or even the nerves that control urinary function.
This can cause your urine to either leak out involuntarily or prevent the bladder or kidneys from emptying their contents. If you have any of these symptoms, you may be at extreme risk for a urinary infection or kidney damage (which can be silent).
Emergency Sign #13: Fast heartbeat or fast breathing, Emergency Sign #14: Vomiting (especially vomiting
blood), Emergency Sign #15: Change in mental status, Confusion, Restlessness or feeling agitated
If you have any of these 6 symptoms, you could be minutes away from catastrophe. We plead that you stop reading this page and call an ambulance immediately
These symptoms mean that you may have a ruptured colon and could have developed sepsis – a life threatening infection. It is crucial that you not waste any time in getting medical help because your life may be at risk. Remember, up to 60 % of patients that present signs of sepsis end up dying even if they get emergency care. The sooner you get to a hospital, the better your chances of survival.
As you can see, a fecal impaction has the capacity to go beyond just a stubborn stool problem and can put your life at risk if left untreated. However, as important as it is to know symptoms associated with a fecal impaction, it is even more important to know how these symptoms can trick you.
So next, let’s take a look at 5 ways your fecal impaction symptoms can mislead you and end up either misguiding your treatment efforts or putting you in a false sense of calm especially when you are close to an emergency.